The Adventures of Hershel of Ostropol
Painting: Hannah Westerman
"Wonderful storytelling, essential learning, humor and audience involvement!"
Jenny Cleveland
Oregon Episcopal School
on P2S Express performances
The lovable trickster Hershel, like his cultural counterparts Anansi and Coyote, charms audiences with his wit. Adapted from Portland children's book author Eric A. Kimmel's folktales, these stories leap from the page in a celebration of storytelling that emphasizes the power of humor to overcome hardship. With timelessly entertaining nonsense, two actors will become many in this dynamic and memorable production.
Directed by Avital Shira
Starring Sara Fay Goldman as HERSHEL and Sam Dinkowitz as EVERYONE ELSE
Curriculum Connections:
- Folktales
- Literacy
- Writing and storytelling
- History and culture
- Language and humor
About the Author:
Eric A. Kimmel
Born in Brooklyn, NY, Eric has wanted to be an author ever since kindergarten. Now a staple of Portland, OR, he has published over fifty childrens books since 1974 and is often included in school and library recommended lists. He has received numerous awards and accolades, including the prestigious Caldecott Honor Medal and the Sydney Taylor Picture Book Award.
Adapted by arrangement with the Maria Carvainis Agency, Inc. from the text of THE ADVENTURES OF HERSHEL OF OSTROPOL as retold by Eric A. Kimmel. Copyright © 1995 by Eric A. Kimmel